Research Assistant and Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in joining the Healthy Kids Lab at Cal Poly.

Please complete the form below to tell us a little more about you and why you are interested in joining our research team.

Note that you will be asked to upload a resume in the last section of this form.

1 Start 2 Complete
Your Information
Statement of Interest
Relevant Coursework and Experiences
These questions assess your previous experiences. Note that your responses to these questions won't disqualify you from joining the lab. Rather, they will help us assess how much training and support you might need.
Career Goals
These questions assess your career goals and aspirations. Note that your responses to these questions won't disqualify you from joining the lab. Rather, they will help us assess what projects would best fit your interests.
Recruiting and screening study participants
Assessing study participants
Creating questionnaires
Creating educational materials
Analyzing videos and/or interview data
Data management
Data analysis
Writing literature reviews
Writing scientific papers
Managing our social media pages
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