Responsive Bottle Feeding Resources
Do you have questions about any of these materials? We're happy to help! Please contact Dr. Alison Ventura for support:
email: | phone: (805) 756-5693
The following resources were part of a Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change (PSE) approach to promote responsive bottle-feeding within the PHFE WIC Program. For more details about the intervention and study findings, please see:
- Ventura, A. K., Silva Garcia, K., Meza, M., Rodriguez, E., Martinez, C. E., & Whaley, S. E. (2022). Promoting Responsive Bottle-Feeding Within WIC: Evaluation of a Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change Approach. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 122(1), 99–109.e2.
- Ventura, A. K., & Whaley, S. E. (2022). Strategies to promote responsive bottle-feeding in WIC predict less frequent use of food to soothe and healthier weight status for infants with negative temperaments. Pediatric obesity, e12908. Advance online publication.
PSE Strategy #1: More Inclusive Assessment of Early Infant Feeding Decisions as a Foundation for Tailored Intervention
We revised the assessment forms WIC staff used to understand participants' feeding practices and patterns. The goal of these revisions was to allow for a more thorough assessment of common breastfeeding, formula-feeding, and bottle-feeding problems, including the use of feeding practices that may lead to overfeeding. In addition, the revised forms directly link participants' responses to relevant educational materials and counseling tools, which facilitated the provision of targeted intervention that better met the unique needs of both breastfeeding and bottle-feeding mothers.
Step 1: Screening Form
- This Screening Form.pdf was used to collect basic information about the mother and infant and to determine which Step 2 Infant Feeding Assessment Form was most appropriate.
Step 2: Infant Feeding Assessment Forms
WIC Educational Materials referenced within the Infant Feeding Assessment Forms
PSE Strategy #2: Enhancing WIC Resources to Support Optimal Infant Feeding, Including Healthy Bottle-Feeding, Throughout the First Year of Life
We expanded the resources available for one-on-one education, online education modules, and interactive texting. These resources were directed at bottle-feeding mothers and included education related to responsive bottle-feeding (eg, strategies for responsive bottle-feeding, guidance on paced bottle-feeding).
Educational Resources:
Do you have questions about any of these materials? We're happy to help! Please contact Dr. Alison Ventura for support:
email: | phone: (805) 756-5693